At Remnant Christian Assembly, we are dedicated to presenting every man perfect in Christ Jesus. The word of God and His will are preeminent. People are encouraged to take up Jesus’ yoke and learn of Him. The pastor serves the people and not the other way around.

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Ministry... God's Way!!!

In order to Live™️

The church is not a hospital. Paul said it's the pillar and ground of the truth. It's the place where God's people come to be fed, empowered, and to have a path for success laid out for them. At Remnant, taking Jesus' yoke and learning of Him is job one!!! Ready to learn of a truth? Join us!

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Not Church...
As Usual!!!

The church is NOT a hospital. It is the pillar and ground of the truth. It's the place where God's people come to be fed, empowered, and to have a path for success laid out for them. God's people are destroyed by a lack of knowledge, but are empowered when provided with the same. At Remnant, taking Jesus' yoke and learning of Him is job one!!!

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How Our Services Flow

All services begin with a brief period of fellowship, followed by Bible lessons, exhortations, open floor discussions, and worship in song (on Sundays). Everything is geared towards education, edification, and equipping the people to glorify and please God.

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What attendees say about Remnant

My husband and I have been going to Remnant since 2015. I remember the day as if it was yesterday. I enjoy the fellowships and getting the knowledge and understanding of Gods word. I enjoy having a pastor after God's own heart — a true man of God. I have been to other churches, yet I didn't receive what I am learning here. I can't see myself going to any other place.

This is home.


Remnant is a true house of God, where we regularly see God’s Spirit move. I thank God for bringing me to a place that he approves of and he proves it by the information that he sends. The first time in my life that I have had a Pastor the way God defines a Pastor, that feeds us with knowledge and understanding — a Pastor that is after God's own heart, who is rich in knowledge, rich in the full assurance of understanding, rich in grace, rich in good works, rich in faith — who has the courage to love God's people in the way that is pleasing to God. A Bishop without compromise, blameless not self willed, but a lover of good men given to hospitality, holding fast the faithful word. One who teaches the the Word of God in all humility but with matchless authority. An Apostle that feeds the flock of God not by constraint but because of his abundant love that is on display for all to see. Remnant is where God shows his awesomeness through the power of the teaching that encourages us to press toward the mark. I am reminded of what a privilege it is to be in THIS PLACE. Want to please God and are looking for a place where you can hear the unadulterated word of God? Then come on out and be blessed by the word.


I am thankful to have been lead to Remnant Christian Assembly. Remnant is a place where the Word of God is taught, as commanded, in truth and integrity. The leadership is honest, transparent, humble, and wise, they lead by example. The pastor is called by God as written in Jeremiah 3:15 which states: "And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding." If knowledge and understanding of God's Word is what you desire, Remnant Christian Assembly is where you will receive it.


There’s so much good I can say about this place: It’s hard to condense it in a brief review. I’ve been attending here for a little over four years, and the consistency of the message (God’s word) has not changed. In a day and time when people are “not enduring sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” (2 Timothy 4), it’s great to know and see a Pastor, who is actually sent by God, behave as a leader should in manner of speech and life- teaching and exhorting to all who choose and desire to grow in all knowledge, truth, love and judgment that it is possible to live “righteously and Godly in this present world.” I thank God for leading me to Remnant.


Remnant Christian Assembly is as the Apostle Paul said in 1 Timothy 3:15, the church of the Living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. The integrity of God's word that comes across the pulpit bears witness of its authenticity. In search of a true church home? Know first, that since sheep cannot find the shepherd (and we are His sheep), and we cannot find a pastor according to God's own heart unless He gives him to us, and we cannot find a church home except the Lord draw us to it. He will only send us to a place of safety so that we can live, and that's what you will find at Remnant Christian Assembly.


A place I enjoy attending where I am able to fellowship, and grow in the Lord Jesus Christ. I continue to receive nourishment from the authoritative teaching and sound doctrine that is delivered in this ministry. I am feed well spiritual every week and as a result I have learned and continue to be reminded of what it takes to stand in the Lord Jesus, and live a life that is holy and acceptable unto Him.

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